16 Sept 2011

A Kestrel for a Knave

So I'm sitting here and continue drawing Kes into the late hours ... I have never read the book but watched the film a few days ago and I'm still not over it. It's a heart braking gem and I recommend very much that you watch it.

I also finally joined Instagram and I have been busy posting loads of photos to annoy you all.
Everyone is doing it so I didn't really want to and held off till yesterday night but it does just look too good ;-)

Little Crumb and Squirry

New greeting cards in my shop

charity shop find book inspiration

Thank You all for your brilliant messages and congratulations yesterday.
I really had a very happy day!

Ps :: I was interview for the new and very exciting BlackFormat Magazine.
Read the interview here if you have two minutes. The lovely and talented Mr. Andy Council also had an interview published there today. Go check it out!

psps :: Free People featured me on their blog. I was honoured. Thank You!


pspsps :: Yes, I started drawing humans ... I tell you soon why ;-)

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