25 Nov 2009

Back in London and working hard...

it's a beautiful thing

Hello people of the world!

I have been back in good old London for about a week now.
East Germany was amazing, beautiful and relaxing as always and I'm finding it pretty hard to let that refreshed feeling remain inside a little longer.
London life seems to be taking over my mind and soul and I'm working hard on a few competitions, finding a job and staying happy!

street lights in Leipzig

reading night in an old attic

magazines in the villa of a baroness

Ash is being eaten by the big bad wolf

Max the cat tile I made in a pottery class

I thought I also upload a picture that was submitted to a children's book competition as an example page. Unfortunately I didn't win the comission but wasting it would be a shame.
So here you go:

Pigs on a beach

Have a lovely clear, cold and sunny Wednesday!

x Sandra x


Veja cecilia said...

what great work you show here. love the tile! and i can´t understand why you wouldn´t win that comission cause the illu is great!

● Sandra Dieckmann Illustration ● said...


Oh thanks! That's really kind! I would love to post you a link to the illustration who won..I found it rather disgusting :-)

It's mean to say that ... I know ... but sometimes I really worry about my own taste and efforts!!! Hahaha xxx