29 Jun 2010


Introducing the Honeytiger.

This lovely cross between a tiger and a bear is part of a composition I'm working on for a tiled background I was asked to do for a website.
The draft deadline is still a three weeks away but this is only the first piece of the puzzle and considering all the other projects and commissions and moving house next week it's a lot of work I'm carrying on my donkey back. I just couldn't say no to this sweet creature and had to let it come out of my head ;-)

I will show you all when it's all online! I know I have said that about several other projects but just hang on and wait. There is interviews and features lined up from July onwards. Just don't like to give it away before the other parties had time to put it out there ;-)


Victoria Stitch said...

oh the detail is exquisite!

● Sandra Dieckmann Illustration ● said...

Thank you ;-)
I like the word exquisite!
It is rather exquisite itself!
